One summer's day I met Allan Kliger for a creative shoot. Imagine me pulling up to a lonely warehouse, in a cab that sped off as soon as he was paid so I could meet a strange man for the first time. We met under the hot Toronto sun and walked into one of the many uninhabited rooms in the warehouse where he locked us in, for privacy... Sounds sketchy as fuck and I wouldn't recommend meeting anyone in a desolate area to shoot. Nobody knew where I was and because I hadn't met Allan before, I really didn't have any proof the man in front of me was him, but I was lucky and this story never made it to the true crime pile. Luckily we got along and had a very cool shoot. It was the first moody set of photos I'd ever taken. Models! Please always triple-check references and tell at least one friend where you're going. I suggest meeting your team ahead of time, even if only over Facetime.
Photos by Allan Kliger